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The Courses
The courses have remained the same since 2015 which allows for course records to be set and for you to chase down that PB. Grrrrr.
10km - included in the Purbeck Trail Series
The route is a figure of eight.
Run round Mays Plantation, up on to the ridge then descend the Jubilee trail to Turners Puddle.
Turn right and run over Kite Hill and through Piddle Wood, along the delightful downhill Jubilee trail for a second time to Turners Puddle.
Turn Left and romp over Black Hill to the finish. Yeah, right.
[unreliable GPS distance 10.26km]
Run round Mays Plantation, up on to the ridge then gracefully descend the Jubilee trail to Turners Puddle.
Turn left and sprint over Black Hill to the finish.
[unreliable distance, as measured by GPS 5.74km]
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